Wednesday 3 April 2013

Babysitter Wanted


   When I was doing images research for the babysitters, I accidentally found this film called "Babysitter Wanted". It is a 2008 American horror film directed by Jonas Barnes & Michael Manasseri, being written by Jonas Barnes.

   In this film, the beginning of the story is quite similar to the Urban Legend which I am doing. (The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs.) However, the man who is supposed to be the bad guy, he is actually a priest in the film. As the little boy Sam, he is a born child of devil, so the priest is coming to kill him. After this twisting point, the film seems to be a complete different story from The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs.

   Although the story was not what I expected it should be, I still really enjoyed this film. I think because of the excellent twisting point, it makes this film so different and remembered-able. Also, in the film it involved the born child of devil, which is not often believed by everyone. For example, people who do not believe in god they will not believe the born child of devil exist in the world neither. I think this comes to the question of how the directer will make those people believe and put themselves into the story. This also makes me considering perhaps I can as well create an unbelievable creature for my project.

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