Friday 3 May 2013

Technical File Sign-off Sheet

Project Evaluation

   It is unbelievable that this is the last project for my first year of university life, and I have completed the project! At first, I was not quite sure which urban legend I wanted do for this project, until I came up with the vampire idea for "The Babysitter and The Man Upstairs" urban legend. After watching several reference films based on the story of The Babysitter and The Man Upstairs, I feel my vampire idea really stands out as it has not been discovered before!

   The most enjoyable part of this whole project was doing the researching for different versions of vampires that have been made before. I am the person who's really obsessed with the vampire thing, so it was a pleasure for me doing all these work! However, I have noticed that because I was putting all my attention into the vampire character, which made me left the second character (The babysitter) behind. This might be the problem which I need to warn myself for next time. Although I did not do much researches on the second character, I still happy with the final outcome. The whole make-up application almost took me 3 hours to complete it. As I was trying to achieve the most realistic vampire bite mark, and putting on individual eyelashes also took quite a long time. The final design of the babysitter is quite simple, but it does not mean I put less effort while doing the look.

   Overall, I think I have done a pretty good job on this urban legend project, and I think I have moved one more step closer to the professional makeup artist.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Babysitter Final Images

   Here you go, my babysitter's final images! The vampire bite mark actually was not that easy to create, as the skin texture of neck is really soft and stretchable which means that it would be much more difficult to smooth down the Plasto onto the skin! I am glad I succeed in the end and it looks so real in the pictures! Also, I think I have done a pretty good job on achieving the perfect complexion, I absolutely love the contour shadow underneath the cheekbones. I love the combination of beauty and gore :P

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Create Babysitter Final Look

Model: Carina Mensching

Working Process

Step 1: Tie model's hair into a loose low bun. Backcomb the hair to achieve some volume on the top. Then softly pull all hair to the back, tie it with a rubber band. Backcomb the ponytail and take sections of hair surround into a bun. Use some hairspray to keep holding the hairstyle.

Step 2: Use Plasto as the fake skin, shape it into vampire bite wounds. Smooth down the edges of Plasto so it fade into the real skin. Powdered the Plasto afterwards so it won't be sticky anymore.

Step 3: Use Real Techniques expert face brush and cream foundation palette by Screen Face, apply a smooth base. Conceal any blemishes and redness, then lightly powdered the face. Then, use Illamasqua powder blusher in Disobey to contour sides of forehead, underneath the cheekbones and jawlines. 

Step 4: Put some lip balm on the lips to prepare for the application afterwards. Apply some light brown eyeshadow on the outer corner of the eyes to define the eye shape using Screen Face eyeshadow palette. Then curl the lashes, apply some mascara and put on individual false eyelashes. Use No.7 lipstick in Grape on the lips. Finish the whole face makeup with L'oreal Paris powder blush in True Rose on the cheeks, blend it nicely into the contour colour.

Step 5: Use some fake gore in the vampire bite wounds, and some fake blood running down the neck.

Friday 26 April 2013

Vampire Final Images

   In the end I decided to let my vampire character has scary red eyes, because I photoshoped his pupils off and it actually looks like children's paper-made mask... Also, I was playing with the lighting and try to get shadows on both sides of face, but as the equipment in the make-up shooting studio is limited so I was not able to achieve the effect. Although I wasn't been able to get the effect I want , I did actually manage to get some shadows on one side of face and I really like the shadow on model's neck! One thing I am extremely proud of myself is the dry complexion I created, I think this really makes my thirsty vampire look complete!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Create Vampire Final Look

Model: Nathan

Working Process

Step 1: Clean and moisturized the skin to prepare for the make-up application.

Step 2: As my model's skin tone is not too pale, so I used a foundation colour which is lighter than his skin tone to achieved the dead pale skin effect. Apply the foundation with a sponge and powder the face afterwards. 

Step 3: Create the peeling skin effect by using the PVA glue technique, and powder the face again.

Step 4: Contour two sides of forehead and underneath the cheekbone.

Step 5: Filling the eyebrows with dark brown eyeshadow to define the brows.

Step 6: Use gray and black eyeshadow around the eye area, especially the under-eye area to create dark circles. 

Step 7: Draw veins underneath the eyes using the colour dark red and purple. 

Step 8: Dab some foundation on the lips to make them looks paler. Then apply dark purple red lip colour on the center of the lips, blend well with the foundation afterwards.

Finally, put on the fangs and power the face again to make sure it's completely matt before shooting.

The Finish Look

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Final Shoot Posing Ideas

   Today, I did some simple sketches of how I want my models to be posing when shooting the final images. For the vampire, I would like to ask the model to look slightly up and open his mouth so the fangs can be seen at this angle. I might as well ask the model to turn his face to the side so I can get some shadows on his face. For the babysitter, she will be holding a cross necklace on her hands and posing like she is praying. As she will have beautiful false lashes on her eyes, so I would like to capture the side face in order to get the eyelashes shows up more in the pictures.